Archivo Pedro Meyer
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The project of Archivo Pedro Meyer (Archive) is part of need to expand visibility of photographer’s work, for development of his retrospective Heresies. It seeks to protect more than half a million resources that, so far, encompasses its collection. It is about photography, to keep 200 thousand original analogues (mainly negatives and transparencies) to attend the repositories and backing of 250 thousand digital photographs, thousands of edited versions, compositions and, to a lesser extent, videos and other multimedia Of the artist. It also consists of a variety of other materials, among which 25 cubic meters of photographic equipment, prints, audio, videos, correspondence, academic, administrative and graphic documents have been inventoried; As well as 210 linear meters of books, catalogs and serial publications. Based on APM administration tasks, these assets are maintained and organized, thus contributing to the consolidation of the educational image supply.
Throughout 8 decades (1929-2015), has been nourished of diverse geographical origins, emphasizing Mexico and United States. By its extension and dimensions (being the artist’s file with more images published on the net), it offers a vast visual testimony and a global historical record that, at the same time, results in the significance of an artistic and cultural heritage; However, is not a culminated project: the vitality of the Archive is maintained through the thousands of new annual revenues, mainly digital photographs and associated documentation.
We seek to strengthen our operating model, with constant collaborations and educational practices in the relevant spaces, both our own and external; consolidating a flexible and efficient operation for the management of all the elements that make up the collection. Our goal: to become an organizational benchmark, participating not only in the standardization of documents but also in the dissemination of experiences, learning memories and educational, research and documentation processes.
The work applied over a decade has established a management paradigm that employs relevant tools and monitors development of critical paths. We have advanced considerably in organization and control of resources, attending among other areas: entry, conservation, access, reproduction, editing and dissemination. We advance in extensive work of catalog descriptions and document normalization, accumulating experience that keeps us immersed in the technological advent.
We generate an educational proposal that complements the academic project of Pedro Meyer Foundation to articulate a formative and communicative space, increasing visibility and use of the contents of archive. We also provide a public documentation service as a research and consulting space to stimulate visibility and academic use of archives, as well as to influence reflections of visual culture and archival culture.