Edited by Mariana Gruener

No. pages: 202 No. photographs: 126

About the editor

Mariana Gruener 

As a visual artist, she has participated in various individual and collective exhibitions in Mexico, the USA, Canada, Holland, and China. Curator of “The International Book Fair of Artist” 2009 and 2011, of Herejías a retrospective of Pedro Meyer, “200 years of being proudly Mexican a monumental window to our history” and the exhibition of books by Third Artist, and the fourth edition of the Carrillo Gil Museum. She is the editor of the books: “Photography to remember” by Pedro Meyer and “The other book of hugs” by Susana Zabaleta. She received the young creator scholarships and support for abroad studies granted by FONCA 2005. She has been a professor of the Diploma Transitos del CENART, of the National School of Painting Sculpture and Engraving “Esmeralda” from the University Design-Film-Television Center University, and the Master’s degree at Ibero Campus León.

Additional references

Thanks to the complete reference of Archivo Pedro Meyer (Archive) online database and invitation of a score of specialized views, it was possible to decant the following galleries, particular readings of main themes of Pedro. All these selections are supported by authority of each of these personalities recognized for their work in photographic work as curators, museographers, critics, journalists, researchers, professors, authors and artists.